Gets pose filter properties.
High frequency noise (“jitter”) can be an undesirable property in optical tracking systems like ARToolKit. These functions implement a first-order low-pass filter for both the position and orientation components of the pose estimate transformation matrices.
- Target [ARToolkitComponent]: The Unreal Engine/ARToolkit interface object.
- Enabled[boolean]: The value (true/false) that indicates whether the pose filter is enabled or not.
- Sample rate[int]: This value partially determines the filter properties. It should be as close as possible to the rate at which pose estimates arrive, which is usually the camera frame rate. Default value is 30.
- Cut off freq[int]: This value partially determines the filter properties. It should be as close as possible to the rate above which you do not wish changes to the incoming transformation matrix pose estimate to be observed. This would usually be the maximum rate at which you imagine to-and-fro rotiational or positional motion of a marker to occur. Default value is 15.