Sets the thresholding mode to manual, and sets the binarization threshold value to the provided value.
Part of ARToolKit’s tracking operates on a binarized image, that is, an image that has been converted into black and white pixels only. All pixels above a certain level of brightness, referred to as the “binarization threshold”, or just “threshold” are converted to white, and all pixels below this threshold are converted to black. Where images have poor contrast, or are over- or under-exposed, the default binarization threshold should be adjusted to compensate.
- Target [ARToolkitComponent]: The Unreal Engine/ARToolkit interface object.
- Threshold[int]: The binarization threshold is an 8-bit number that is in the range
[0, 255]
, inclusive. The default value is usually set in the middle of this range, allowing ARToolKit to easily find markers in images that have good contrast.